Monday, July 25, 2011

Katie Cares about the community!

My law office is sponsoring a team at the Susan G. Komen's Race for the Cure on Sunday October 16, 2011.  My mother's breast cancer came back in January of this year with a vengeance. She had 12 rounds of chemo in 15 weeks and today is fighting her way back to health. Hopefully all of my Florida family will join me and sign up for the Race.   Please go to the below link and register to do the Race for the Cure on Sunday October 16, 2011. On the right side, client "join an existing team" then enter team name "Team Momma Stone" then click search for team and our team will pop up.  I hope to have as much support from our community as possible.  My mother is an angel and I am honored to be able to do this for her.

Remember, taking care of yourself and your loved ones is most important in life. I care about you and your future! ~ Katie

Monday, July 18, 2011

Prepare for the unexpected.

I went to a convention over the weekend and I was amazed at how many single people with assets, newlyweds and married couples with children do not have a Will in place.  I know that it is hard for  people to grasp the concept that something tragic might happen to them; however, we all need to prepare for the unexpected.  I had a great friend who was in great shape and was competing in a triathlon.  He had 5 children and one on the way.  During the swim, something happened with his body and eventually in the ER, he passed away.  A tragic story that I think of often.  He was such an amazing man, husband, father and friend.  Tragic stories like this surround all of us.  Every time someone tells me a tragic story about someone they know, it makes me realize again the importance of protecting your loved ones in life and in death.  Life insurance is necessary!!  A Will is necessary!  Preparing for the unexpected is NECESSARY!  I hear nightmare stories all of the time of the difficulties families have when a loved one dies intestate (without a Will).  I offer simple Will packages (which includes a simple Will, power of attorney, health care directive and an option for a living Will) for a very affordable rate.  The unexpected is hard on every loved one.  Have these documents in place to help your loved ones with the turmoil and stress the unexpected will cause.  Please call my office at 407-217-5807 so that I can help you plan for the unexpected. 

Remember, taking care of yourself and your loved ones is most important in life. I care about you and your future! ~ Katie

Monday, July 11, 2011

Take time for serving others!

Over the past several months I have helped an 85 year old man modify his mortgage loan so that he is able to keep his home at an affordable payment.  He is such a sweet man with a heart of gold.  Although the process was grueling, long, took up a lot my time and at certain stages made me want to give up, I stuck it out.  Today he has a home, comfort and security that he will be able to make his payments every month on his limited budget.  I don't tell you this story to get a pat on the back, I tell you this story because I think that everyone needs to get involved in service work.  I truly believe that when we are in the service of others is when we are most happy.  When I got the phone call from my sweet friend telling me he can keep his house, the excitement and relieve in his voice made all of the time spent and frustrating hours float away and my heart was overwhelmed with joy for him.  Everyone needs help at some point in time.  I am lucky that I am able to help people in my profession.  I challenge everyone this week to serve someone else in some way.  Push groceries to a car for a mother with her hands full, open a door and smile, ask someone how they are doing and be prepared to listen to their answer, take an hour or so and help someone with their yard work, pay the toll for the car behind you. ask someone if there is anything you can do to help.  Little deeds go a long way.  I promise it will make your day and you will never know the magnitude your good deed had on the person you helped.  Please reply to this post on how your good deed made you feel.  Thank you Archy for your friendship, trust and allowing me to feel so special on a Monday! 

Remember, taking care of yourself and your loved ones is most important in life. I care about you and your future! ~ Katie

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Birthday America!

I just wanted to write everyone and say Happy 4th of July!  I hope that everyone had a safe and wonderful holiday.  I hope that we all took a moment to reflect on the true meaning of freedom and the sacrifice many have gone through to protect this precious gift!  With the closure of the Casey Anthony trial and whatever your thoughts may be on the verdict,  I hope that we all take the time to realize that we have an amazing constitution, legal system and process.  I am very proud to be an American and that I am able to make my own decisions because I am blessed with freedom. As an attorney, I took an oath to support the Constitution of the United States and the State of Florida, revere the law, the judicial system, and the legal profession with dignity and esteem of each.  I am proud to be an attorney because I believe that my work allows my client's to understand, enforce and preserve their rights.  I help to protect their freedom. 

Remember, taking care of yourself and your loved ones is most important in life. I care about you and your future! ~ Katie